Tuesday, 30 September 2014

I will remember September, and so will Nick .....

I think I can say that Nick and myself have enjoyed our month of glory but who knows ....maybe Boro will be back at the top next month?

The Boucher family are at 7th and 17th but maybe I shouldn't draw attention to their respective order of merit.

Another previous winner, Little Wonders, is in er ......(Where is she? Oh, yes!)

From the same stable, Elojo is below his grandson who tops the second half of the league with Jackula United. (Well maybe not)

And yet another previous Little Winner shows promisingly in 4th just behind the Florence Dynamos who are themselves again in the leading pack..

Meanwhile I am being brave enough to advise our dear tennis friend Ken to get rid of Podolski.

So with fingers crossed - on to next month's progress or decline.